Friday, August 12, 2011

You hear it all the time and you think you believe it because there is nothing not to believe. There is beauty in life. The world lights itself up to let your heart flee, and dims down to silence that brings hallucinations to restless souls. Slow down my love.

My summer has been wonderful. Being away and back home made something very clear to me. It has always been apparent to me that my life is very driven by my emotions and dreams. I strive to seek beauty and yes sure, we can all agree that life is beautiful. But do we understand what it means when we see it? Beauty has been so enforced to us as a society, as an image that is forcefully contrived. It's a word that is supposed to express a divine meaning that transcends our reliance of facts or determined definition to deem it so. So different from the kind of beauty has a constructed definition, that it seems we're all use to. What I find beautiful may not be beautiful to you. To experience something beautiful is an intimate and personal experience that is constructed by our own perceptions.


  1. u have a nice blog madame :D
    and u looks pretty good...

    when u mean you should be think about ..
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    send ur name here and i add u :D
    your sincley sani

  2. Yes, beauty is relative .. good point.

    I imagine, for instance, that chimpanzees will gaze upon some particular others of their troop and feel overwhelmed by the beauty they see. Whereas we can not see and feel that when looking at Chimps, but only at certain humans.

    So, is it that, intrinsically, beauty does not exist? ... but is always an illusion which neural wiring creates to present to the mind? ... ultimately, only for purposes of evolutionary advantages?

    But if that is true, why do humans find beauty in nature photography, sunsets, etc? What evolutionary advantages could seeing beauty in those possibly result in?

    Interesting post, Joey. Thanks for sharing.

  3. How do you even come to ask if beauty exists? Not everything needs to be written in stone and deemed a fact to exist. Our emotions runs personal to us but they are very much real and alive within us. Same as our perceptions. They are real because we feel it. Our perceptions are our ideals of beauty/ugly and right/wrong. To perceive something your own way does not make it non existent... It's one of the most intangible things, but also the most real... Everything else that's deemed "fact" was invented by humans. As humans we have a odd need to dissect and understand everything around us, therefore we invented math and science. Your emotions are invented within us but you feel it. It's all there. That is as real as it gets.

  4. firstly...your entries here are well written and i had a blast reading through them...

    beauty....i think is something that is not bound by facts given to us by the order to see what beauty really is we need to unattach our self to the should be seen and judged subjectively and not objectively...everyone has its own definition of beauty and they have their own way of showing it and seeing it...

    this is all just like this: "is the glass half-full or half-empty?" its all based on our perspective on how we see things...

    thats all for me...hope i could know you more and your art..your a very interesting woman...

  5. Thank you monkey. I appreciate that very much! Maybe one day you should stop by my room and say "Hi, it's monkey". I'd love to get to know you more! I admire our like-mindedness and the capacity of your ideologies.

  6. your welcome "joey" and i should say thank you too...i may drop by sometime, wish you could speak to me and know more about each other. thank you for the praises but i think my capacity isn't enough to match yours. you are such an awesome person and i really enjoy reading your writings. i sure do hope to read more from you.

  7. hi nice to meet you

    life can also be ugly just depends on the our point of views and what we can capture at the moment, so totally agree and support that beauty is depends on experience and personal

    saw your photos and think they are good
    this site you may like for expressing yourself and also own precepition

    hope you like it and happy new year

  8. Hello Joey,
    I've been reading over your blog for awhile now and there is something about you that I just can't shake. From what I can tell you are a very intelligent, philosophically advanced, self-confident woman. The way you articulate your opinions and ideals is nothing short of incredible and the conviction that you have for the things that you stand for (i.e. Finding a pure beauty in the world around you, refusing to live in ignorance, following your passion) is admirable to a point that is almost inexplicable. You seem to have a deep love for chasing experience and collecting knowledge; always carrying that drive to express yourself whether it be in writing or art or pure emotion.

    I find that drive very intriguing.

    I feel as though I may be and individual with some similar thoughts as well as some different ones too. I would love to get the chance to hear you elaborate on your opinions and share with you some of my own. I would love to get a chance to understand you, and for you to know me as well if you wish.

    I am sure that you get countless messages from all kinds of people around the world between your blog, twitter and MFC. Some messages creep you right out. Some make you laugh. And with some the spelling is so atrocious that they're nearly indecipherable. I hope though, at the end of the day you will remember this one and might even decide to message me back.


  9. There is something inside that is hurting you, and if you can walk away from what is causing your pain you must, in reading your thoughts you stress that ou see beauty in things most people will just pass and never see, but if your seeing beauty in things causing you pain you should stop. Think about what is important what gives you pleasure, what in your heart gives you joy....that is true beauty.

  10. I could see your intelligence from the first day I met you on mfc. I was not expecting to find you there. You just never know where you will find a new person who inspires you. I enjoy your work

  11. hurmm.. no update since 2011... hurmmmm...
